Emily’s Diary — April 9, 2006
… I had to work over so I figured Luke and I could go out and get dinner, a date (two nights in a row – Jackpot!) but when I got home I found Dr. McBride, a psychiatrist at my husband’s office. He was weird, just in the way he addressed me, I knew I had stumbled into a conversation that I shouldn’t have been there for. He left quickly but told Luke that they needed to talk more, Dr. McBride must know what happened to Luke.
Luke was … changed, scared, paranoid, coming home was like entering an interrogation room (at least how I imagine it to be). I know I should leave him alone about taking the desk job, but this is obviously where our problems originate. He shut off completely and went back to that room, we never made it out to dinner. I sat on the couch and cried until I ran out of tears. Maybe tomorrow Dr. McBride will be at the station and will tell me what is going on.